

Early Spring Trout Trolling

Early Spring Trout Trolling

Trolling can be a productive technique for catching trout as the fish become more active with the warming water temperatures found in early spring.Here are some key points to consider for early spring trout trolling:1. Location: In early spring, trout can often be found in shallower waters near the surface as they become more active. Look for areas with a mix of warmer and cooler waters, such as places near inlets or areas with structure like points, drop-offs, or weed beds.2. Trolling Speed: Ad …
May 6th 2024 Fish-Field
The Ultimate Guide to Halibut Fishing: Tips, Techniques, and Best Practices

The Ultimate Guide to Halibut Fishing: Tips, Techniques, and Best Practices

Halibut fishing is a popular and rewarding pursuit for anglers of all skill levels. These flatfish are known for their delicious taste and impressive size, making them a prized catch among fishermen. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins and outs of halibut fishing, including the best techniques, tips, and practices to help you reel in that prized halibut.Understanding Halibut: Halibut are large flatfish that are found in both the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans. Thes …
May 6th 2024 Fish-Field
Spring Salmon Trolling

Spring Salmon Trolling

About Spring Salmon Fishing Spring salmon fishing, also known as springer fishing, typically refers to the pursuit of Atlantic or Pacific salmon during their spring run as they return from the ocean to their natal rivers to spawn.Here are some key points about spring salmon fishing:1. Timing: Spring salmon runs can vary depending on the location, but they generally occur from late winter to early summer as the fish return to freshwater rivers to spawn.2. Locations: Spring salmon fishing can tak …
Feb 27th 2024 Fish-Field
Steelhead Side Drift Fishing

Steelhead Side Drift Fishing

Side drift fishing is a popular technique used by anglers to target steelhead. Side drifting is a method commonly used to present bait to steelhead in rivers and streams.In side drift fishing, anglers typically use a drift boat or a raft to navigate down a river while fishing. The boat is positioned to drift with the current, allowing anglers to present their bait or lures to steelhead that are holding in the river. This technique involves casting upstream and allowing the bait or lure to drift …
Jan 23rd 2024 Fish-Field
Steelhead Float/Bobber Fishing

Steelhead Float/Bobber Fishing

Float fishing is a popular technique used by anglers to target steelhead. Also known as float or bobber fishing, it involves suspending bait or lures beneath a buoyant float, which allows anglers to control the depth at which their offering is presented to the fish. Here are some key points about steelhead float fishing: 1. Equipment: Anglers typically use a long, sensitive rod, a reel, and a specialized float designed to support the weight of the bait or lure while providing a visual …
Jan 19th 2024 Fish-Field
Bobber Doggin' for Winter Steelhead

Bobber Doggin' for Winter Steelhead

Bobber doggin' is a fishing technique that has become popular for targeting steelhead, especially in rivers and streams. It's a method that allows anglers to fish for steelhead in areas with moderate to fast currents, where traditional drift fishing or fly fishing techniques may be less effective.The basic concept of bobber doggin' involves using a long, sensitive rod along with a sliding flat bottom float (bobber) and a weight. The bait or lure is then suspended beneath the float and allowed to …
Jan 12th 2024 Fish-Field
Salmon Hover Fishing on the Columbia River

Salmon Hover Fishing on the Columbia River

It's that time of the year again for Hover Fishing on the Columbia River! Hover Fishing is an exciting way to catch salmon; anglers can feel the fish strike while seeing the fishing rod tip bend, creating a dynamic experience.Hover Fishing How-To:Start by finding the bottom with one or two cranks, so that the bait is within 24 inches off the bottom. Letting the boat drift naturally with the current is important, and ensures your bait is not sideways from the rod tip. If you prefer to not constan …
Dec 13th 2023 Fish-Field
Rods, Reels & Tackle for Targeting Lingcod

Rods, Reels & Tackle for Targeting Lingcod

Catching lingcod can be an exciting and rewarding experience for anglers. Here are some tips to help you catch lingcod:1. Gear and Tackle: Use a medium to heavy-duty spinning or baitcasting rod and reel combo capable of handling strong fish. Choose a sturdy fishing line with a test strength of around 30-80 pounds to handle the lingcod's powerful strikes and their habitat, which often includes rocky structures. Attach a thick leader of about 2-4 feet to prevent the lingcod from biting through the …
Dec 13th 2023 Fish-Field
Salmon Trolling Lures

Salmon Trolling Lures

Salmon trolling lures are used for a fishing technique that involves dragging a fishing line with one or more lures behind a moving boat. These lures are designed to mimic the appearance and movement of baitfish or other prey that salmon feed on, thereby attracting the fish and enticing them to strike.Here Are Some Key Features of Salmon Trolling Lures:1. Design and Materials: Salmon trolling lures come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. They are typically made of durable materials such as pl …
Dec 13th 2023 Fish-Field
Salmon Bobber / Float Fishing

Salmon Bobber / Float Fishing

Salmon bobber fishing, also known as float fishing or bobber-dogging, is a technique commonly used to catch salmon in rivers or streams. It is particularly popular among anglers targeting salmon species like Chinook (King) salmon, coho (silver) salmon, and steelhead.Here's How Salmon Bobber Fishing Typically Works:1. Equipment: Anglers use a medium fast or fast action fishing rod and reel setup, capable of handling the weight of the fish they're targeting. The fishing line is usually a braided l …
Dec 13th 2023 Fish-Field

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